Newfoundland - Nova Scotia Maritime Link Megaproject

This $1.7 billion megaproject involved the installation of 170 kilometers of subsea HVdc undersea transmission cables, overhead 230kV HVac transmission lines, two switchyards, two converter stations and adjoining substations, two grounding sites, and related infrastructure. 

The project was executed as part of a larger strategy to support transmission of renewable energy from Newfoundland and Labrador to Nova Scotia and beyond.

Pegasus-Global was retained to evaluate the prudency of the Company in delivering this high-voltage transmission project, with a specific focus on the contract management efforts on the project.

Pegasus-Global filed testimony in the NSPML Final Assessment and Cost Application to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board.

Client: Emera
Services: Prudence Review / Contract Management Assessment


Mont Wright Expansion Project


London Crossrail Program